Faction succesor question

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Faction succesor question

Post by universefan » Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:45 am

If a sovereign leaves what would happen and who would become the next owner of the group? Will the buildings be destroyed in case there are no successors or will they change ownership? In case of an alliance will the ally faction be able to claim the buildings?

On a side note
What is the offensive function of a bunker building?
Can we also have an ETA on the next update :P ?

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Re: Faction succesor question

Post by Aegis » Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:13 am

If a Sovereign leaves, the member with the highest ammount of days and grade being in faction becomes the new Sovereign.

On the side notes:

1)Bunker is currently bugged, so its function isn't working the way it should right now.

2) Next update: *Coming soon* 😂
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Re: Faction succesor question

Post by ardesia » Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:06 pm

When a sovereign leaves faction, the one becoming the new sovereign is the longer-in-faction-highest-ranked member.
As an example, consider a faction with a sovereign, a few normal members who joined a month ago, and a leader who joined a day ago. If the sovereign leaves, the leader is going to be the new sovereign, despite being the last one joining in.

In case of a faction loosing all members, the buildings are going to stay there until players destroy them.
Unfortunately, allied are not able claiming them
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Re: Faction succesor question

Post by Ryaca » Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:41 pm

I see storm clouds off in the distance...

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