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Bandit‘s note

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:20 pm
by haemol2
The bandit’s notes keep dublicating when i try to drop them, as they drop but are not cleared from the inventory.
I am only able to move them to a warehouse but now i have several on my character as i first picked them up.

They are taking away a lot of space.
Could you delete them (all but one) from my inventory/warehouses?

Username is Haemol


Re: Bandit‘s note

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:10 am
by Yfars
You only had 2 of these items. I deleted one item in the bank at location 3.0

Re: Bandit‘s note

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:36 am
by haemol2
Maybe it is only showing as one item for you guys, but it‘s not. Please see the screenshot for reference. Note that i clicked the trash 🗑 symbol to delete the items, and it does not get deleted from inventory but dublicated on the ground.
Maybe you could delete the item from my inventory as well and re-add to fix this?

[edit: i fixed this by selling the notes to a merchant, so no need to delete any more notes.
It seems that the quest item cannot be dropped to avoid accidental loss of the item. However, the item appears on the ground when dropped and can consequently be picked up again. Therefore it is possible to make the item show several times in the inventory.

So now just a FYI that this bug exists, apart from all the termites]

[edit2: maybe you want to add this item to the list of unsellable items, to avoid accidental loss of it by selling it]

Re: Bandit‘s note

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:00 am
by Yfars
You asked to remove all but one item. I deleted the item that was in the bank, and you have one item left in your inventory. I know perfectly well that quest items cannot be deleted and they can be duplicated in the drop list, but only as a picture that cannot be picked up. Instead of completing a quest in which this item will be automatically removed from your inventory, you try to throw it away yourself...

Re: Bandit‘s note

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:19 am
by haemol2
You are right, i checked again and the item cannot be picked up again when duplicated on the ground

The way i got this item multiple times was by picking it up from bandits, as they keep dropping the note until the quest is completed. Because of the multitude of items littering my inventory i tried throwing them away.