Mob Area Guide Map 3.10

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Mob Area Guide Map 3.10

Post by sergei45 » Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:03 pm

This are mob area guide map this thread inspire by mob area map by rpdgamer45 . here you can which what type of enemy or mob spawn on area/coordinate from my expedition on area.

7.3 : End of Tunnel
Where everything begin
Desert claw only span here also pvp disable.
6.3 : Silosia
Starter town
Health Facility,Food Shop,Clothe Shop, and junk shop, hire robber.
Desert claw and small termite dominate mostly area. but on exist to 5,3 there trouble maker & Robber spawn. Dope fiend also can be found on north corner of town.
6,2 : "Leeper Farm"
Place where you can find Ana the tailor woman quest and lot of leeper ,good junk and earn decent money and material for ragge clothe.
Leeper Dominated northern part of map while shiv,lunatic and infected can be found near building and down of map near exit to 6,1. desert claw and little termite also present on this area.
6,1 : Bandit Home.
Dangerous area where arms mob stay and settled.
Braggart,outcast,deserter,Rotter(elephant shotgun guy),sadist(saw of shotgun) and butcher want to butcher your character.
5.3 : Zombie and deserter farm.
Zombie on middle of area while deserter near clif or cave entrance. troublermaker and beduin in area to.
5.2 Mcjoel farm
Bunch of car and some farmer here selling cheap bandage and food. favorite place for middle class level.
common bug,Outcast,robber,dope fied, troublemaker,deserter and brawler.
5,1 : Bandit Outpost
Kind of FOB for bandit and hunter, extremely dangerous also sqoyote everywhere.
beduin,hunter,headhunter,sadist,rotter, common bug and butcher
4.3 Transitan Zone
Tire Shop, Car yard, Sqoyote spawn, termite cave and bus service to oasis.
Desert claw,termite,deserter, and sqoyote
4.2 : Arab Town
Arab people home and walter gun shop branch.hire arab guy (beduin)
Beduin and drifter near exist to 4,1, robber,troublermaker and bug.
4,1 Hunter and Nomad home.
Tick forest full of hunter, also ranger spawn here.
Ranger,beduin,headhunter,hunter,rotter,butcher,sadist and common bug.
2,3,3,3 : part of clan base, little bug mostly spawn.
2,1 Slave camp Trader and Metal dome access. hire drifter (pipe rifle guy here)
Just normal white man doing bussines here, cheap ammo, metal dome/lab acces and arena.
Little bug, dope fiend,troubler maker,zombie and rotter.
3,3 : Slave escape area.
Kill slave here to get chain to be exchange for water purifer, while zombie spawn at north. mostly bug and 1 sqoyote spawn point.
2.1 zombie farm
ex military base probably get destroy. rubble mostly here, ranger spawn near west of 2,1
2.0 : bug farm
farm of mountain guy and little desert bug.
bug at center of farm.
3.0 VUZ
ex train station now become military stronghold.hire butcher here and free pet (as long you not finish the quest.
Little termite,beduin,nomad,braggart,robber and big bug.
map mob v2.PNG
map mob v2.PNG (734.02 KiB) Viewed 20674 times
mab mob v2.PNG
mab mob v2.PNG (95.12 KiB) Viewed 20674 times

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