1) go on ov.dmgamestudio.com
2) scroll down till you reach this part in forum, and press on Global Moderators link
3) You will have the list of current Moderators of OV, choose the one you wish to file your message/report/question by pressing on the name.
4)Press on the send a PM to be able to send what you need a GMs attention for
1) Send only to one of the GMs at time per question/report/else just like stated by
Rule 11: Contacting staff!
2) Remember to be the most accurate possible when describing the issue, as this will save you and the GMs time with the resolution of the case.
3) If you send a message to a GM in a language that isn't English, please use google translate to convert it in English along with the original language used for the message.
4) Never share your account infos (ID, password, email, etc...).