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Post by Yfars » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:45 pm

In the game a few weeks ago started to happen random game events that were designed to entertain players for the duration of the quarantine. About the beginning of any event reported in the chat and everyone can participate in this event, but some events can be performed by just one player. The list of events sometimes updated with new types and runs on the server. After the end of the quarantine the frequency settings and the way you run events will change.

I also want to tell more about the technical side of events. First I want to say that I personally come up with these events and run them in manual mode. At the moment the game is not quite ready for a fully automatic run of random events, so I run them independently and events themselves have some flaws. For example, localization of messages on behalf of the system and the localization of the quest dialogues into other languages, usually pre-recorded in a special file on the server and has a predetermined value of the coordinates and time of the beginning, but currently we do not have a complete set of tools to automatically create events of the type that you could see the text in your native language and events really did start randomly. Especially do events is still far from perfect. That is why I self-enter the game and prepare the event. I think after the end of the quarantine, we will try to make mechanics that automatiseret this process and eliminate defects. Another worth noting that I am deliberately testing some mechanics and changes using events to see your reaction and configure all necessary for the further development of the game, so please don't criticize something unusual in your opinion in all events.

By the way, please report any problems in the event to me in PM or under this post, due to the large number of players and the language barrier is quite difficult to detect bugs directly in the game
Yfars : Game Administrator (GM)
Languages: English, Russian

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Re: Events

Post by lenz » Mon May 04, 2020 12:07 am

i like it ..but i hope in the future it has a fixed time its not hard to guess when it will happen..and make the wave for zombie way longer its too short...

and i suggest that you add the hidden boxes event but in random map...i really lije it lije last new year

tnx verymuch for your effort for this events sir yfars

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