this method work if you
- have intelligence 25 +
skill engineer,macgyver
unlocked and you have sewing machine.
Joined Clan.
So what should do or best alternative for player against radiation for those who can't afford it ? :use clothe or kit that have radiation reduce feature.
get or use:
1. White or black gas mask ( can buy from player) if not craft it, you need used gask mas and upgrade it to normal one. used gas mask can be get by buying from other player or killing sadist at 5,1 or 6,1. white gas mask reduce -3 radiation.
Craft Recipe;
Sewing machine
1. Used gas mask
2 weak glass scavenge car or buy from silosa vendor.
1 cast metal craft or buy at vendor shop or player
3 t-4 plastic. recycle from tire
2. Craft or buy dirty nx-7
Dirty nx-7 reduce -2 radiation, it give penalty on walk and dogde but there not better alternative than this.
Recipe for Dirty nx-7
a.1 Worn nx-7 : get by kill zombie scientist or buy it from other player, look for player who usually do lab grind or ask help from your friend or clan.
b.1 Gas bottle : scavenge or vendor shop
c. 5 t4 plastic : recycle from tire
d. sewing machine (get from ana quest)
3. Upgrade Strelok-ST-2 jacket into Groz-2 jacket.
Groza-2 will reduce -1 radiation. to get it you need upgrade clean ST-2 Jacket into it.
a.1 Strelok-ST-2 Jacket
b.1 T4 plastic
c.2 sewing thread
d.4 sewing clothe
e.sewing machine.
now use it and it will reduce -6 radiation (same like normal working nx-7 rad-suit does. there drawback however it give penalty on walk and dogde, so the best way use it when not go far from city or when leave game wear to character so you character will not radiation penalty when you log in back.